Whiteheads on the Face? Here's What You Shouldn't Be Doing

Whiteheads, although not as obviously bothersome as blackheads, aren’t exactly helping us achieve that smooth, clear skin we always want. These stubborn little white bumps which seem to favor our t-zones, come with the bugging itch to pop them and squeeze them because in truth, we’re better off without them.
Whiteheads on face however, can be tricky. Dealing with them without caution can lead to more unsightly problems like aggravated skin irritation and permanent scarring. To get to the root of the problem, it’s best to understand what whiteheads are.
Whiteheads are a form of acne, commonly occurring when skin pores are clogged by dead skin cells and excess oils. What makes them different from blackheads is that whiteheads are covered by a thin layer of skin, whereas blackheads are not (hence, the oxidation of excess oil in open pores makes them dark in color).
While whiteheads don’t normally cause inflammation, know that the moment bacteria enters a pore, infection happens. Whiteheads on face become inflamed pustules which can lead to scarring. How to prevent and get rid of whiteheads? You’ve probably done a handful of “solutions” which didn’t really solve the problem. This time, we give you handy hints on what not to do.
Do not touch, pick, or squeeze your whiteheads.
Unnecessary touching of the face is extremely frowned at, especially when you have skin conditions like whiteheads. While they may seem to be irresistibly “ripe for the picking”, squeezing these blemishes can only do more harm than good because then, the pores open themselves to more bacteria and dirt. These debris can go further down the pores; a surefire way to cause inflammation and unsightly scarring.
Do not scrub excessively, especially using harsh, skin-drying products.
Never mistake exfoliation for excessive rubbing and scrubbing of your skin. Never presume that you can rub away your whiteheads just by giving your skin an intense scrub. Such act can most likely just disrupt your skin’s balance. Exfoliation should be done gently, using oil-free, noncomedogenic products that won’t clog the pores. Harsh scrubbing of skin, plus use of harsh “skincare” products spell surefire skin dehydration and thus, inflammation.
Do not allow hair products to touch your face.
Hairspray, hair gel, and other hair-setting products do make your tresses pretty — but not your skin. Know that these products contain certain elements that can react to your skin the moment they touch your face. They clog your pores and with dirt and sebum, cause whitehead formation. To avoid, use a thick, clean cloth to cover your face when spraying to spare yourself from harsh hair product chemicals. Further, ensure that you wash your hair regularly to avoid dirt and bacteria from going into your pores. This applies especially to those who have long hair and bangs constantly rubbing the forehead and cheeks.
Do not sleep with your make-up on.
You may be tired and totally drained at the end of the day that you forego the basic beauty rule of sleeping with clean, hydrated skin. However, this one’s a major beauty must: never, ever sleep with your make-up on. Just as you sleep to get yourself recharged, so does your facial skin. It needs to breathe and rebuild itself, clean and free from any substance. Sleeping with your make-up on is like inviting all possible reasons to get whiteheads. It collects make-up residues, sebum, and dirt all into your pores. Result: You wake up staring at yourself with these unwanted, unsightly white blemishes.
Do not expose yourself too much under the sun.
Getting a tan sounds like a pretty good idea, especially this summer. But causing burns on your facial skin is definitely not. Exposing yourself too much under the sun can make you perspire profusely and can trigger your oil glands to be more active. Excess production of sebum, of course, is a precursor to whiteheads.
Do not shave without caution.
Anything sharp, especially if it touches your face, should be treated with caution. Just as it’s not advisable to excessively touch your face, so do razors that touch on the facial skin’s hair follicles. Often, this leads to making the pores susceptible to dirt and bacteria. Essentially, it is also important to note that shaving lotions should be mild and kind enough to the skin as it will have a direct contact with the pores.
Knowing what not to do to prevent or get rid of whiteheads helps. But also worth noting is that there is always a safe and effective way to deal with these stubborn little bumps on the skin. Lactoferrin + d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate + Zinc (Lactezin) may be able to help clear them away. Taken twice daily, it helps lessen whiteheads in as early as 2 weeks.